
Book 6: Die unendliche Geschichte (Neverending Story)

         I wondered for a while what next book should be. Logically if I wanted to continue the idea from last one, would be Structure of Magic, as that is where what people often call "belief system" is explained in practical means, what it is, how we can change it with words and how to expand that, just by words. Its not what most people think, as its purely related to language But I don't want to go that deeply into the material there, in here. As that becomes more and more specialized and not for everyone, also less and less connected to the Chinese Metaphysics/The Five Arts. From CM perspective, logical choice would be Wilhelms translation I think. Seems important enough and I still use it even today with so many other I Ching/Yi Jing related systems. Yet by now, most people that are interested in these parts of the Five Arts, would know about it already, probably for a long, long time, I assume, so also no reason to go there. So lets instead cover somethin...

Book 5: NLP Volume 1

As there was the idea to add western books too, I will try to add stuff that I think is relevant to the Five Arts, at least initially. My primary direction of study has been, for a long time, channeled material, but before that I think I should cover some books that may explain why I use bazi in a different way then what one may be familiar with. And lets start with this nice book: So what is it... Well, its a math approach to how people interact with the world. The idea is we can view our "strategies" what we use to interact as a math formula.  For example someone asks us what was the color of a house we passed on the street yesterday. Now, the accessing cues are not something I have focused much on, so this is just an idea of what people use. They may see our eyes move to up and left, tension in the shoulders as we are accessing the Images we remember from the previous day, for...

Book Review 4: Advanced Flying Star Feng Shui - Stephen Skinner

     It seems there is another cover of the same book out there, I can't be sure the information within it is the same, so this is about the book with the Image shown in here, not the other one, if there is another one.  I'm looking at the reviews in amazon...I think people are underestimating this specific book. If we dig into it carefully enough there is a lot that hasn't been mentioned in any other sources, yet seem very valid. Considering that, from me, it becomes a strong recommendation for everyone interested in Flying Star, as without it there will be important stuff that they won't know if working with English language books only(as most of us, likely are).. So what is that then... Well, for one the table with conditions of the base star I haven't seen before, the different elements for the Stars when working outside the house, the position of the Stars in some unusual types of houses, the Stars as the outside forms and much more... Overall, as far as the bo...

Book Review 3: Correct Way of Understanding a Person's Destiny - Benson Yeo

     This was first book by Benson Yeo... There are few things that are definitely worth knowing from there. The first is the idea of Noble Elements. While today that is somewhat expanded in different places, that seems important idea, as it provides alternative way of reading that seems more aligned to what is happening, in some cases. As that are the three very popular approaches, it seems. One decides the "useful element" based on temperature of the chart(basically born in summer or winter). Another does it by strength of DM, here we have it based on "usefulness" / Images.  That seems to be also an approach one may want to know, although nice to keep in mind in other sources the Noble Elements can be different. Usually the idea is the same, but some may be switched, in some cases many. That also seem able to provide its own way of reading of the whole chart, one reads based on what is missing(Ding missed for Geng DM, then we can already guess what the Geng DM may...

Book Review 2: Xuan Kong Da Gua Not Exactly For Dummies - Hung Hin Cheong

   Lets look into Xuan Kong Da Gua Not Exactly for Dummies by Hung Hin Cheong . This is one of the rare cases we have one of the high tier Feng Shui systems fully usable based on only one book. While there is probably more to know, much may be find in reference series, what is in here seems enough to get the system working with some effort. While all may seem incredible complex at first glance, if one goes slowly and systematically into it its base is simple enough. We have Qi moving from its Source(doors for rooms, meeting points of rivers for outside, highest points of staircases etc.) to its next point. Calculating the Hexagram for the 2 points we can see how they relate. Then we connect, furniture to doors and windows, doors of apartments to doors of building, that to its next Qi Mouth etc. That seems to be all we need to use the system. All that being said, from what we tested all this seems to work exactly as given. Yet we stumbled on few problems that aren't fault of th...

Book Review 1: Chinese Metaphysical Compendium

Silly as it may seem, but as soon as we had a store that made ordering from other countries easy where I live this was in the first batch of books I bought.  Also seems a worthy first book to start the review blog I mentioned a while ago about. First have to clear out that this is Reference book, the idea is we know how to use the tables and calculations in it. If we don't know how to use the stuff in practice there are wonderful facebook videos from Joey Yap and his many students explaining in details different approaches and ideas and of course many other Five Arts practitioners in all sorts of formats and mediums all around the webs one may enjoy. I personally find Kevin Chan material very clear and useful, so for using any of this in practice aiming at that is good. Of course there are also courses and stuff, in the academy and other places.. Yet the base framework of it all is in here and its very, very pretty and useful, at least in my humble view. Its very big book, it cover...