Book 5: NLP Volume 1
As there was the idea to add western books too, I will try to add stuff that I think is relevant to the Five Arts, at least initially. My primary direction of study has been, for a long time, channeled material, but before that I think I should cover some books that may explain why I use bazi in a different way then what one may be familiar with.
And lets start with this nice book:
So what is it... Well, its a math approach to how people interact with the world. The idea is we can view our "strategies" what we use to interact as a math formula.
For example someone asks us what was the color of a house we passed on the street yesterday. Now, the accessing cues are not something I have focused much on, so this is just an idea of what people use. They may see our eyes move to up and left, tension in the shoulders as we are accessing the Images we remember from the previous day, for less then a second, then going to our left as we are putting it into words then we answer.
So we have Visual Image being accessed, turning to audio, to put into words, may be related to inner dialog for example, "...should they formulate it in different way etc."
In general the response of the person goes through different "representational systems".
That systems, follow the elements. And the elements follow the organs. So my idea here is that this "strategies" are actually working based on ones bazi. They bring up fire when they create Images, they use Water when they shape up the audio, Earth for the kinetic portion of it and overall they are following their 4 Pillars arrangement, so if we know their bazi we know how they operate.
Using this, with time they may find work that fits to that, have relationships and future that expands from that as well.
Yet I never found that that interesting. The bazi aspect that I find most fascinating have always been in a situation when the person uses the systems to interact with the world around them. That is where the meaningful change can happen, from there it will affect their future, their work and their life overall, but the actual changes happen in situations we are in, not in life overall. We change how we use our elements and the fields coming out of our organs in the situation and our life changes.
That is why I don't really have much interest in other bazi material, what I need it for I have shaped up long time ago. And in this way used its soo awesome... And I get people use for business and to know what to prepare for and other stuff like that. Nothing wrong with that, if I have to I could develop this too I assume, just never felt that is what I need it for, nor could I imagine focusing much on it, right now.
So back on the book then. Its the first step in the old NLP that is disappearing more and more now, with the AI terminology carrying same names and stuff. If one is interested in that, we can do a lot of interesting things with it, we can even try to deduce someones bazi just by observing how they respond to their environment. There is different breathing when accessing Images, different eye movement etc. and that means that is there when we work with the Heart/Small Intestine and with Fire element. And we can use that to get insight into interaction of the persons pillars and elements in their bazi and seems spot on, so far, in my humble view.
All this is kinda automatic, however, trying to be aware of it all, can be challenging. But done in this way we can see how a decisions that a person makes everyday many times, are what will shape their future. its not invisible influence from nowhere, its choices made every time that situation comes up. And that we could interact with, understand and streamline if that is what is needed.
I'm not writing too much about the book contains, as its "mathematical' in nature, so I'm trying, instead, to focus on what I use it for. And in that its awesome book.
There are other authors needed for this to fully work. Ekman, Korzybski etc. As we move to more Western related books in the future could cover some or all of that too.
Hopefully this can be helpful, its very good book in my humble view, as I always say for anyone interested in the old NLP, reading Korzybski is kinda "must do", so we understand the base it all can step on, so its helpful and healthy. But this one(volume 1) is also a must read.
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