Book 6: Die unendliche Geschichte (Neverending Story)





 I wondered for a while what next book should be.

Logically if I wanted to continue the idea from last one, would be Structure of Magic, as that is where what people often call "belief system" is explained in practical means, what it is, how we can change it with words and how to expand that, just by words. Its not what most people think, as its purely related to language But I don't want to go that deeply into the material there, in here. As that becomes more and more specialized and not for everyone, also less and less connected to the Chinese Metaphysics/The Five Arts.

From CM perspective, logical choice would be Wilhelms translation I think. Seems important enough and I still use it even today with so many other I Ching/Yi Jing related systems. Yet by now, most people that are interested in these parts of the Five Arts, would know about it already, probably for a long, long time, I assume, so also no reason to go there.

So lets instead cover something else. : )

This was a book by Michael Ende ( it had a movie, a lot of movies actually, but first one became popular. He didn't like it, as he thought they didn't understood what the book was actually about. I do agree here, although when I was young I did like the movie, but to be fair I didn't understood the book then, either...

Problem with this one, however, is that from the little I have seen from it, the English translation is not... Well, its not something I can recommend.  While I haven't read the original in German, the translation in my own language is very different, so if one can read more then one language, reading it translated to anything, but English is possibly a better option.

That being said, I should explain why I cover a pure "fictional" book in a metaphysical review blog I think. And Neverending Story is not exactly what it looks like. From the 3 Portals, to the Images they dig from the Earth, to every step of the way in there, the path that we study so deeply in metaphysics, in my humble view, is actually given perfectly and purely in there. Better then most other places I'm aware of.

There is a sequence here, of steps one goes through, following wishes and free will, then trying to find their true self doing it, yet with every wish losing parts of that...

This is a path that in my humble view, most metaphysical studies doesn't manage to fully grasp or provide valid way to go through. In the book all is provided perfectly, although likely for another reason, yet the end result is still the same. 

So that it is then, can strongly recommend to anyone interested in metaphysics, but also have to do it in any language but English, as the translation there may not be enough to actually get the main idea. 



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